The Puzzle of Change.

Expectancy of  new things and change is always upon us. Do we choose the path or does the path choose us? To know the answer would be to solve all the puzzles at once. Then what? Do new puzzles evolve? Does life suddenly become more meaningful ? Would knowing all the answers make our lives more complete somehow? It is so difficult to take every situation every day as an event that impacts our lives somehow. How does one’s daily struggle with personal conflicts become an event that directs their life. The key may be to observe and filter everything that one believes is their version of reality. Versions of reality vary, as they should, so that past events can become tools to improve newly developing situations. To not waste these opportunities that one could learn and grow from is critical. Otherwise one will soon see a pattern of the same situations over and over, and the lesson is never learned. However is there a point to which we might dwell on those learning situations to the point of destruction? Certain events can permanently change and can never be forgotten. One could be ignoring getting past it or is secretly looking for the answers to their hurt from people involved. They will always relive the situation until the soul has come to terms and can grow from the experience. One doesn’t need to forget but has to move on in order to continue living their lives. Do we forget we are alive right now, breathing right now. The now that we live in is not when the event happened in the past. One has to be present and think, Is that situation really affecting my life right at this second? Why do I keep going back to this? Is it hurting my current present reliving the past so much? One is at a fork in the road and has to make a choice. Some of us get a hundred years to make decisions that can make ones life heaven or a living hell. Life will always throw situations and occurrences to test a person’s character. Which is why we need to listen, be present in today in order to make a better tomorrow.