5 Deadly Food Lies, and Exactly What to do.

In todays advertising industry it is common after hearing a thing over and over for weeks, months, and years; one accepts it as the truth or fact. Advertisers know this very well. That is why one sees the same commercials over and over again. Large corporations know that the more they pound their messages into ones brain, telling how one needs, wants or deserves their product, the more likely a person is to buy it. However these advertising messages often aren’t accurate or truthful. In the interest of profits, they are often misleading and deceptive. This is shameful in any industry, but especially where our food supply is concerned. After all we all know food is a HUGE impact on ones health and everyday life. To help one understand and become more educated when an advertising company uses clever claims or slogans for commercial profit rather than putting ones health first, here are five dangerous food lies and a full explanation of each.

Lie #1- IT’S “NATURAL”

“Natural” implies that the food comes from nature, is not made from artificial sources and therefore must be good for you. This is not necessarily so. What “natural” means can vary by region or country. In the US, there is no legal definition of natural on food labels, so it can mean whatever the food manufacturer wants it to mean. Even if it does come from nature, that doesn’t mean that it is good for you.

In Example: Aspartame

Aspartame may technically be called natural because it is made from two amino acids. However these two amino acids are no where to be  found together in nature. They aren’t in the same concentration or specific combination as they are in aspartame. Instead it is a lab creation whose list of harmful health effects is a mile long and growing. More will be discussed in number 3 below.

Lie #2- “LOW FAT”= good for weight loss

I always wondered what food manufacturers used to replace the fat in order to make it low. Low and behold it is SUGAR! What is even worse is that most often it is not even real sugar; it is poisons like high fructose corn syrup. Hmmm… How is this better for me when it has lower fat but more sugar? I don’t see a very good weight loss formula to this idea. People often think that all fat is bad for their bodies. Not so true, a moderate amount (2-3 tablespoons) of good fat each day is vital to ones health (especially ones brain and nervous system) and when good fat is consumed it can also help one lose weight.

Good fats include:

  • olive oil (preferably extra- virgin, cold pressed)
  • avocados
  • butter (NOT MARGARINE)
  • flaxseed oil
  • fish oil
  • nuts
  • lean meats
  • some dairy

When one consumes these fats, one could lose flab by turning off ones body’s hormone messengers that direct fat storage, especially around ones midsection. Healthy fats help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels without lowering HDL (good) levels. With regular moderate consumption of these healthy fats, it can help lower ones risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancers.

LIE #3 “SUGAR FREE” = good for weight loss

This one is very dangerous, when the sugar is taken out; it is replaced with artificial sweeteners. Not only are these harmful to ones health, but studies have shown that they will make one crave carbohydrates and actually make one eat more! Below is a partial list of the health effects of artificial sweeteners:


 ૐ EYES   

–          Blindness in one or both eyes

–          Decreased vision and/or other eye problems

–          tunnel vision

–          Eye pain; dry eyes/decreased tears


–          Seizures

–          Headaches/migraines

–          Dizziness

–          Confusion/memory loss

–          Severe drowsiness and sleepiness

–          Numbness of the arms and legs

–          Slurring of speech

–          Tremors/trembling


–          Severe depression

–          Irritability/agitation

–          Anxiety/ phobias (fears)

–          Personality changes


–          heart palpatations/ rapid heart beat

–          shortness of breath

–          high blood pressure


–          nausea

–          diarrhea, sometimes with blood in stools

–          stomach pain/ pain while swallowing


–          itching without a rash; hives


–          loss of control of diabetes

–          thinning or loss of hair

–          low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

–          severe PMS symptoms


–          death

–          irreversible brain damage

–          birth defects, including mental retardation

–          ulcers

–          aspartame addiction and increased cravings for sweets

–          hyperactivity in children

–          severe depression

–          suicidal tendencies

–          cancer


–          Nausea; bloating; diarrhea; vomiting

–          Stomach cramps

–          Depression; becoming withdrawn

–          feeling forgetful; memory loss

–          Headaches

–          feeling irate, impatient, hypersensitive, moody

–          Chest and body pains

–          Seizures


Nature has a history of  “cross breeding” within species of plants, usually with the wind or insects carrying pollen and spreading it across plants that produce seeds. The result is sometimes a new “improved” species that can have advantages over traditional ones, both in terms of nutrition and hardiness. All this has been going on since the dawn of time. Now scientists are stepping in and superseding nature by cutting bits off a living organism’s DNA and splicing it into a completely unrelated species. This what’s called a GMO- or genetically modified organism. A classic saying that I once heard was “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.”

First of all, genes are very complex and by altering the genetic code of living organisms, engineers are really manipulating life’s processes. The end result produces whole new life forms that people know nothing about. Second, genetic engineers aren’t just splicing “plant to plant.” Chicken genes have been inserted into potatoes and fish genes into strawberries. Bacteria and viruses have been put into cucumbers and tomatoes. Mouse genes have been spliced into tobacco. Something to think about the next time one lights up. Genetic engineers are also splicing chemical pesticides, herbicides and fungicides right into the plants. Would you like a little Roundup or Weed-B-Gone in your fresh green salad? Do consumers ever wonder why rates of hundreds of different diseases have been on the rise for the last few decades? The multi- billion dollar companies who market the new crops contend that GMOs are safe, but there has been very few tests to prove that any of their information is true. It is in ones best interest to avoid GMOs like the plague, otherwise one is giving these companies the satisfaction of using ones body as a human guinea pig. The biggest problem is that GMOs are not that easy to spot. It is not like ones grocery store will have a neon sign stating which items are GMO. Together all consumers need to become a careful label reader. If one looks at the tiny little code stickers on produce, it will tell the consumer all that one needs to know.

4-digit code: Regular old traditionally grown produce, 5-digit code: Look at the first number, if it starts with a 9, it’s organic and safe. If it starts with an 8, stay away, it is a GMO!!


Irradiation is a process in which foods are quickly passed under gamma rays. The idea is that the energy from the rays is supposed to kill harmful bacteria, parasites, and fungi on the food, thereby making it safer to eat. Irradiation doesn’t destroy all the toxins formed from some different kinds of bacteria and molds. When using gamma rays on food, it kills major nutrients especially the B vitamins, vitamins A,C, and E, as well as some unsaturated (good) fats.

There is a chemical called 2DCB that is formed when certain meats, fruits, eggs, and other foods are irradiated. 2DCB has been shown to cause genetic damage when it is fed to rats and in human cell cultures that have been exposed to 2DCB. As with GMOs, the safety of  irradiated foods simply has not been thoroughly tested. There has been four small human studies, all of which were short- term, and were not enough to give enough evidence to state irradiated foods are safe.  Many scientists believe that the effects of irradiated foods on humans will remain unknown for a number of years. One can identify irradiated foods by their label. Look for expressions like: “treated with ionizing radiation” or “treated with ionizing electrons” Do not hesitate to ask your grocer if unsure.


The key is to stay as close to nature as possible. Here’s 3 ways that can be easy, affordable, and taste good as well.

ૐ Avoid processed foods– there’s no chance of getting fooled by food manufacturers’ claims if one doesn’t buy boxed or packaged foods to begin with.

ૐ Buy organic as much as possible- I realize organic can be more expensive, but how expensive do you think your medical bills will be when you get VERY sick? All of savings will be lost in order to get your health back in order. Are you on medications now? Could it be from your food? Most likely it is. So are you saving money? There is always ways to help control the cost of organic foods. One could shop at a local farmers market or participate in a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) programs. If one is on a tight budget and can’t afford to go 100% organic, here are the items which have the largest amounts of pesticide residue and are the most important to buy organic:

  • celery
  • peaches
  • apples
  • spinach
  • strawberries
  • potatoes
  • grapes
  • cherries
  • nectarines
  • blueberries
  • bell peppers
  • kale/ collard greens

ૐ Follow a program that educates you about processed foods

I can show you how to structure a healthy, easy to digest meals and guide you on making REAL foods that are positively delicious and excellent nutrition for the body. I will give you the knowledge about processed foods that you need to know. I will also show you which foods you should eat together for easy digestion that will leave you feeling great and loaded with energy. This is the first step to help counteract the years of effects from your not-so-great diet. Remember you alone are responsible for your health. Don’t rely on claims made by companies who are just looking to make billions, in turn your hell will be damned. Trust real food and practitioners that are their to make your health success #1 one.

All data collected from http://www.eatright.org The American Dietetic Association