Your Amazing Body! Nourish Your Inner Essence!

Do you ever sit down and think how smart you are? Do you think that your brain is the only intelligent organ in your body? We must remember what makes up everything that leads to an organ. Organs are made up of masses of  tissues which are comprised of cells and in cells are organelles. The human body’s complexity still astounds scientists today. The physical body is very wise, When it needs something, it asks. As people, we are not always wise in listening to what our body needs. We get body symptoms, which is the first attempt the body makes to rectify an imbalance. When we need to sleep, we feel tired. When we need water, one feels thirsty. The biggest problem we endure is whether or not we listen to these signals, many of us don’t.

Let’s take a listen. Take a moment right now out of your erratic life to sit quietly and pay attention to your physical body. What do you notice? Do you have tension? Soreness? Weakness? Tiredness? Interesting sensations: including pain, buzzing, congestion? Are you hungry? Do you crave something? Thirsty?

When your body is tired, do you rest it? Or do you tell your body not now and override it with Red Bull, coffee, Diet Coke, or other form of caffeine? Do you argue with the reality that your body is tired or do you rest? How do you choose to rest? Do you lie comfortably in a quiet place or are you slumped on the couch in front of the noisy,  stimulating  TV? Do you sit down and pull out your cell phone and talk with friends? Do you really give your body what  it wants? What about the amount of time that you sleep. Do you get enough sleep? The human body needs around seven to ten hours to rejuvenate. Do you usually go to bed on time or instead do you find ways to perpetuate entertaining yourself?

When your body is tense or tight, do you take the time to stretch? Do you take the time for a massage or other body work such as rolfing, chiropractic, physical therapy, sports massage, or yoga?

When you have an upset stomach, do you reach for the Tums or Pepto- Bismol? Or do you take the time to re-balance your diet or drink some herbal tea such as ginger, peppermint, or licorice? When constipated do you think water, fiber, and exercise to help? Beyond that, foods that stimulate the liver such as beets, artichokes, greens, lemons, garlic, onions, and dandelion root can be helpful to get things moving. Bitters taken in water and sipped before a meal can also be helpful.

Do you get plenty of water? How much is enough? 7-10 glasses of water is a rough amount, but more importantly what does your urine look like? Healthy urine should be a light straw color ( except if you take B vitamins, where excess amounts are not stored but passed through the kidneys for excretion. B vitamins color the urine yellow- green or even slightly orange. Do you notice that you are fatigued? Fatigue is a symptom of dehydration.

Do you get frequent headaches? Do you take the time to figure out if you are dehydrated, tense or have eaten disagreeable foods? Do you simply pop an Advil? Some common foods that cause migraine headaches are chocolate, coffee, alcohol, cheese, citrus fruits, and shellfish.

How does your skin look and feel? Is it dry? What do you use for skin hydration? Do you use a topical lotion?  Have you ever thought to treat the big problem rather than the symptom? Again you could be dehydrated or lacking essential fatty acids found in nuts and seeds.

What about your diet? Do you eat when you feel hungry? Do you even recognize hunger signs for your body? Are you an at convenience eater, letting your busy schedule dictate your eating? Don’t you think in order to keep up with your busy schedule you body needs consistent fuel to keep it going?

When you get an acute illness or a cold or other infection, do you stay home, get in bed and support your body’s attempt to heal itself? Do you take over-the-counter medications to overpower the symptoms to avoid the inconvenience and discomfort of the illness, at the expense of your body?

When do you make the decision to call the doctor? When you have enough money to pay your co- pay or when you realize that the symptoms are not going away with basic home remedies. A lot of us do not have insurance so we don’t go at all. However there are many levels of medical help, especially in the area of holistic medicine. When do you call a practitioner? (acupuncturist, chiropractor, naturopathic physician, or any other licensed, registered, or certified health therapist)

Do you know what the symptoms are that would promote one to call a doctor? There are several symptoms that are definite red flags for “making the call”

RED FLAG!- If you have a sore throat that lasts for more than 48 hours, especially if your throat is beefy-red and coated with pus.

RED FLAG!- A runny nose that lasts for more than 10 days, especially if the nasal discharge is yellow or green.

RED FLAG!- Sever facial pain or headache

RED FLAG!- A cough lasting for more than 10 days, especially with rust colored or green sputum (a thick fluid produced in the lungs and in the airways leading to the lungs)

RED FLAG!- Severe pain and discharge from the ear

RED FLAG!- A fever over a 101 degrees F or a fever that persists for more than four days.

RED FLAG!- Persistant abdominal or rectal pain, especially if localized to a specific area.

RED FLAG!- Vomiting, black or bloody stools

RED FLAG! If you have more than eight bowel movements a day.

RED FLAG!- Warts or moles that change in nature or that look “suspicious”

RED FLAG!- Musculo-skeletal aches/ and or pains that are persistent.

These are just some red flags, as in if any of these are going on, seek medical attention as soon as possible. We can become smarter human beings if we learn to listen to our vessel more closely. A well taken care of body will lead to many more years down the road for accomplishments and unforgettable memories. If our life is so important for us to live, shouldn’t we take better care of what wakes up for it with absolute diligence? I think so! Take the time to nourish your body as well as your mind in order to understand the synergy behind mind- body wellness.